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Village Meeting Minutes

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Special Bulletins

NOTICE: You live in the VILLAGE proper if you pay Village Taxes in June each year. Having a Painted Post zip code (14870) DOES NOT mean you are a village resident.

WORKSHOP: There will be a budget workshop held on Tuesday, March 25th beginning at 4:30pm to review the Village budget for the 2025-2026 fiscal year. The public is welcome to attend.

JUST A REMINDER: The Village does not allow parking on Village streets from 12:00am-6:00am; and also does not allow overnight parking in municipal parking lots.

The Village of Painted Post is accepting applications from Village or Town of Erwin residents for positions on its Planning Board. The Board meets once a month on the first Wednesday. Anyone interested in serving in this voluntary civic position should send a description of his/her interest and relevant experience to Village Clerk, either at ppclerk@empireaccess.net or Village Hall, 261 Steuben Street, Painted Post, NY 14870.

FARMERS MARKET to begin 1st Saturday in June.

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